Refund policy
What is your Refund Policy?
1.If your order doesn't include any promotions or discounts, you will receive a full refund for the items, equal to the price shown on our site (Item's original price).
2.If your order includes promotions or discounts, the calculated price you've paid for the item is adjusted accordingly. This will lead to differences in the Refund's amount, from the Original Cost of the items. Should you wish to check how much is the amount of the items after the discounts, you may check your order summary under your account.
If you are not satisfied with the items in your order and wish to return them for a refund, please follow the steps in accordance with our Return Policy. We can only process returns that adhere to this policy.
For your Security, refunds will only be transferred back to the Original Mode of Payment you used when placing your order. For situations that may need refunds transferred to another Account, we would be happy to provide the refund as a Voucher instead.
*PatPatMatching reserves the right to final interpretation of the above provisions.